Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry is the absolute leader among Russian industrial sectors. Its power and technological equipment make it possible to fully cover the country's needs for hydrocarbons and products of their processing, ensure the energy security of the government, and make a significant contribution to the global energy resource economy.
The Russian Federation has huge hydrocarbon potential. A significant amount of hydrocarbon resources and their products are exported, providing replenishment of foreign exchange stock. At present, this industry creates the basis for the Russian budget and ensures the functioning of many other branches of the economy.
The Russian oil and gas sector is consistently among the leading ones in the world. In terms of oil and gas production, Russia ranks second in the world, accounting for about 6% of the world's proven oil reserves and about 24% of the world's explored reserves of natural gas.
To date, the Russian oil and gas industry has more than 15 large mining enterprises. The leading Russian companies in the field of gas production and processing are PJSC Gazprom and PJSC Novatek. PJSC Rosneft, PJSC Lukoil, PJSC Gazprom Neft and PJSC Surgutneftegaz occupy leading positions in the market in the oil industry.
The key role of the industry in the country's economy is determined by the prospects for its further development, building the capacity of existing enterprises through the introduction of new technologies and innovative equipment.
In the oil and gas sector, we successfully work with the largest industry players. PJSC Gazprom — the world leader in gas production — is among our customers. We've completed work at the facilities of PJSC Rosneft — one of the leading players in the world oil market, and PJSC Lukoil — the second in the country in terms of oil production. Moreover, we have implemented a number of projects at the facilities of PJSC Surgutneftegas, PJSC AK Transneft, PJSC ANK Bashneft, PPJSC Novatek and many others.